Purpose Talk Radio Guests

Kathy Scheiern Photo

MONDAY, JUNE 24, 2013 – Feminine Spiritual Trailblazers: Kathy Scheiern & Karen Russo

This is week 3 of the 13-week series: Feminine Spiritual Trailblazers ~ Women who have been and continue to blaze spiritual trails!


Kathy Scheiern, PhD is the brains behind PurposeWorks, a breakthrough coaching and consulting company dedicated to working with individuals and small business owners who have run into brick walls on the road to accomplishing their goals. She helps them blast through those walls and then use the bricks to pave their way forward, getting them back on track to achieving their hopes and dreams.

Kathy holds a doctorate in the dynamics of individual and organizational transformation, as well as numerous certifications in a variety of transformational tools and techniques she uses to create customized solutions for her clients. She is also a C.P.A. and a former financial executive who studied with a shaman and enjoys creating and performing ceremonies as a licensed minister!

Kathy’s highest values are integrity, respect, laughter, love, and joy. And her greatest hope is that her work will help increase the frequency with which we all experience these thing every day of our lives.

Everyone encounters a brick wall or two on their path to success. Blasting through those walls with speed and clarity ensures faster, more effective results.

Living your life with passion and purpose brings great joy, but not necessarily great monetary rewards. How can we make a living while having a meaningful life? Is it possible to have a healthy marriage of meaning and money? What stands in the way? What skills are required? The need for clarity, communication, commitment, creativity, contribution, and ultimately community are critical to your success. Are you ready? Are you clear? Are you committed? Kathy Scheiern shares what she has learned about living a life on purpose – and what it takes to turn dreams into reality.

Karen Russo Photo~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Karen Russo is Your Spiritual Guide in Wealth Creation. She’s the award-winning author of The Money Keys: Unlocking Peace, Freedom and Real Financial Power, endorsed by her teachers Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith, Loral Langemeier, T. Harv Eker, and Katherine Woodward Thomas with a forward by Bob Proctor.

With her unusual blend of experience as an MBA from Columbia University, an accomplished corporate trainer, top selling salesperson, and an ordained interfaith minister, Karen shares insights from over 25 years of spiritual and secular success.

Karen has appeared in the MPower movie, on TV’s Fox News, in Networking Times, the Arizona Republic, and Science of Mind magazines. She lives in the American Southwest with her beloved Bill and celebrated her 50th birthday by running (and finishing) her 4th marathon.

Too many smart, spiritually connected, talented individuals are blocked by anxieties, resentments, and overwhelm in their money lives. Rev. Karen Russo, MBA, award-winning author of The Money Keys believes these struggles are not necessary— and certainly don’t lead to masterful personal, spiritual and financial success!

In Escaping the Money Traps of Scarcity, Superstition and Survival Mode with Rev. Karen Russo, you will discover:

  • Why ‘money issues’ just don’t magically disappear for many spiritual seekers
  • The 3 money traps that keep you anxious, angry and overwhelmed about money
  • How to apply 3 universal spiritual principles and practical tools to overcome those challenges immediately so you can access peace of mind, creative freedom and financial order!

Jan Revel
l, author of the upcoming book Feminine Spiritual Trailblazers – Contemporary Women Spiritual Leaders, is excited to bring these amazing women to you in this 13-week series. Jan had the joy of interviewing these 26 women and is proud to bring them and this book to you and the world. (Publication is anticipated for September/October 2013.)

Connect With Kathy

Website: www.yourbigbreakthroughcoach.com
Email: Kathy@YourBigBreakthroughCoach.com

Connect With Karen

Website:  http://www.TheMoneyKeys.com
Facebook: http://www.Facebook.com/TheMoneyKeys

Connect With Jan

Email: jan@purposetalkradio.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/I.JanRevell
Websites: www.janrevell.com

CALL IN AND SPEAK LIVE with Jan every Monday at 12 Noon PST, 3pm EST, 8pm UK, and 9pm Germany. (347) 205-9074

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If you have a question you would like us to answer on the show, simply call the number to the right of this post (347-205-9074) or Skype to connect by clicking on the Skype icon next to the phone number (it will appear once the show begins).

Jan Revell is the creator of Body Linguistics© – a method of reading the body to help better understand your personality, the why of some of your attitudes and behaviors, as well as lessons you want to lean in this lifetime. Your body even has the clues for finding out your purpose in life. How often have most of us asked: “What IS the purpose anyway?”
To learn more about this technique and training courses, visit www.BodyLinguistics.org.

Jan is an Intuitive Coach and Dreamwork facilitator. Clients have expressed profound effects in their lives as a result of working with Jan.

Jan also works with the Angelic Realm to bring you insights and messages from Angels and loved ones who have passed over. Whatever your question or concern, there are those who love you to offer you guidance and/or reinforcement. Sign up for a reading with her at www.purposetalkradio.com/readings. And visit her new site: www.angelparties.org to book your own Angel Party!


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